The full lore behind my songs can be found on this page. Scions of the Multiverse is a scifi thriller about alternative DJVIs entering the Multiverse.
Songs that belongs to the lore will together form a story that continues on the next song. Each song will be a new chapter to the story and the story will be updated on this page every time a new song is released.
Check out the story so far and the songs in the Multiverse and Anomalies saga that I have already released.
Multiverse Saga
Chapter 1 – Multiverse
On January 21st 2022, the wormhole between our world and the Multiverse was completed. This event is now known as the Coalescence. Immediately after the coalescence, multiple alternative DJVIs (also known as ALT VI or ALTVI) entered our realm by using the wormhole and rampaged over the universe.
The few people who witnessed the Coalescence have later said that they heard this unique sound for a short moment, right after the wormhole was stabilized. You can now hear this same sound by listening to this video recording. However, don’t forget that the ALTVIs are still lurking around our universe, causing chaos and instability. The Multiverse saga will continue. Stay tuned…
Chapter 2 – Moon Raiders
Our journey begins with Vishaya, the first alternative DJVI. Vishaya is one of the older ALTVIs. One of his most powerful skills is the ability to control fire. Vishaya has dedicated his life to exploring and understanding the Multiverse.
Right after the coalescence, Vishaya started looking for an artifact. He believes that the artifact, which is responsible for enabling the creation of the Coalescence, can be found in this universe. After searching for it for months, he finally believes to know its location. He is certain that the artifact can be found on the moon of Jupiter called Europa.

Vishaya has been studying and researching about this artifact for decades and he is sure that once he acquires it, he is able to use its power to shape and control the Multiverse. In his home universe, Vishaya is the leader of an organization called Moon Raiders and he uses this organization in search of the artifact.
It is said that there are multiple artifacts that can be used to control the Multiverse. Vishay knows that in reality, these artifacts are sound waves that are magically embedded into objects. He knows this because he has acquired some of the lesser artifacts in the past. However, the Coalescence was caused by the oldest and the most powerful one of the artifacts.

The reason why Vishaya seeks to control the Multiverse is to actually keep it safe. He does not want to slave people or conquer other planets nor Universes. Instead, he wants to use it for good. This is because when Vishaya was young and still learning about the Multiverse, he discovered an ancient prophecy that said that one day a new ALTVI will emerge, seeking to conquer the whole Multiverse. It also suggested that the most powerful artifact might be located on a moon. That is why Vishaya created the Moon Raiders organization and has been raiding moons all over the galaxy in the hopes of finding it. Once he finds it, he will use it to destroy this new ALTVI, when he/she reveals himself.
However, no one knows anything about this ALTVI, except his name that is mentioned on the prophecy: OmegaVI.
Chapter 3 – Isolation
Vishaya and his Moon Raiders started the search for the artifacts on Europa. They searched it for weeks but couldn’t find anything. Vishaya almost gave up until he discovered a secret entrance that leads to the underground ice caves of Europa.
Just as he was entering the caves, the ice passage collapsed. Vishaya was able to enter the ice caves without any injuries, thanks to one of his Moon Raiders who saw the situation and quickly pushed Vishaya and himself into the collapsing passage. They survived, but quickly realized that they were stuck. The passage didn’t lead anywhere. There was only some ancient equipment laying around and no way out.
Vishaya and Moon Raider spent days in isolation. At this point, they had lost almost all hope. Even Vishaya’s fire abilities weren’t enough to break the massive wall of ice.
Vishaya knew that these might be his last days alive so he decided to share with the Moon Raider why this artifact was so important to him. The Moon Raider was a mute person so he wouldn’t be able to judge Vishaya, even if he wanted to.
Vishaya started his story and he told the Moon Raider that it all began over 20 years ago… Back then Vishaya was full of ambition and wanted to know everything about the Universe – at any cost. One day, he wanted to make an experiment. He had found years ago the prophecy about the OmegaVI and he was sure that by embedding specific sound waves into objects, he would be able to create an artifact powerful enough to stop the emergence of OmegaVI.
Vishaya started the experiment and he asked his young son to help him with the experiment. However, everything went quickly wrong. Vishaya was able to create the artifact but he wasn’t strong enough to control it. Suddenly, the artifact caused a big magical explosion that permanently damaged Vishaya’s arm. When the smoke faded, Vishaya realized that his arm wasn’t the only thing that was damaged by the explosion.
The artifact was gone and he lost his son in the explosion. Vishaya swore that one day he would find a way to bring his son back. That is why he wants to find the artifact so he could bring his son back to life as well as stop the OmegaVI.
Meanwhile, back in the present day, the Moon Raider had found a secret path that led deeper to the icy caves. As they were about to enter it, the Moon Raider also wanted to reveal his true identity to Vishaya, because he realized they have a lot in common he felt that he could trust Vishaya.
The Moon Raider told Vishaya that he was another ALTVI called Viper. Viper is a mechanically enhanced cyborg who had lost the ability to speak in an incident. Because of the mechanical enhancements, Viper doesn’t have any emotions either.

Viper used sign language to explain to Vishaya who he is. He also told Vishaya that he joined the Moon Raiders shortly after the Coalescence, because he wanted to find the artifact so he could use it to make himself whole again and get rid of the mechanical enhancements. Vishaya agreed to help him and together they entered deeper into the icy caves.
Chapter 4 – Omega
Viper and Vishaya entered the secret ice caves. They discovered a large hall that looked like an old laboratory. The laboratory was somewhat similar to Vishaya’s old lab that he had decades ago.
In the very center of the hall they saw the artifact. Viper quickly took the artifact and was about to leave the caves. Vishaya started to suspect that something was not right, everything went too easily. Vishaya also began to wonder how Viper was able to find the secret passage to the deeper levels of the ice caves.
Vishaya quickly stopped Viper and started questioning him. Vishaya was much stronger than Viper so he had no choice but to tell the truth to Vishaya. Viper admitted that he knew more than he had told Vishaya and that he was actually working for another ALTVI who was living on Earth.
Unlike other ALTVIs like Vishaya or Viper, this one had no super powers – he was just a regular human called Vince. Vince had told Viper that if he would bring him the artifact, he would be able to use its power to make Viper a full human again. Vince also told Viper where he would find the artifact.
Vishaya reluctantly believed Viper so he forced Viper to take him to Vince. Together they left Europa and headed to Earth where they would meet Vince.
On Earth, they went to an abandoned facility where Vince was supposed to be. However, once they entered the building, they walked straight into Vince’s trap. Vishaya and Viper were both trapped and unable to move. Vince stepped out of the shadows and took the artifact from Vishaya.
Vince thanked Vishaya for bringing him the artifact. Since Vince was just a regular human with no super powers, he hasn’t been able to acquire the artifact himself from Europa.
Vishaya asked Vince how he knew about the artifact and the location of it, as well as what he intended to do with it. This is when Vince made a shocking reveal and told Vishaya that he was Vishaya’s son who he had lost decades ago in the incident that was caused by the artifact.
Vishaya was shocked to hear that his son was still alive and standing right in front of him. Even though Vince looked familiar when Vishaya saw him, he didn’t realize it was his son until now. Vince even had the same scar shaped birthmark on his face that he had when he was born.
Vishaya didn’t know what to say to his son so the only thing he could do was to listen to Vince’s tale…

It all started over 20 years ago, when they were together at Vishaya’s laboratory making the experiment with the artifact. Vishaya had thought that the explosion caused by the artifact killed Vince, but it didn’t. Instead, it sent Vince 3000 years to the past along with the artifact to this universe.
Vince was just a child when it happened. However, thanks to the influence of the artifact, he was able to survive. The artifact gave Vince an unusually long life, causing Vince to age really slowly.
Still, Vince was just a child and he didn’t know nor had the power to control the artifact. His only chance was to wait for the civilizations to form, learn more about the artifact and most importantly, keep it safe. At the time the world was a brutal place and you could get yourself executed if such artifact were to be discovered.
Over the years Vince grew bitter. He was angry at his father and blamed him for everything that had happened. This was also the time when Vince wrote the prophecy about the emergence of the OmegaVI that Vishaya would find nearly 3000 years later. Vince swore that he would become the OmegaVI and learn how to fully control the artifact.
Vince kept a low profile, learned more about the artifact and waited until the technology would be advanced enough so he could move his laboratory to a safe location, where he could do more extensive experiments. Vince didn’t want anyone else to learn about the existence of the artifact, which is why he wanted to move his laboratory to the moon of Jupiter, Europa. He believed that no one would find him there.
Finally in the 1990s, Vince was able to create a spacecraft that he used to relocate him to Europa. He established his lab deep inside the ice caves, beneath the surface of Europa. Vince was finally able to do much deeper and also more dangerous experiments with the artifact. He spent years on Europa researching the artifact.
Unfortunately history repeated itself. One of Vince’s experiments went wrong and made the artifact unstable. Vince had no choice but to flee from Europa and leave the artifact behind. The artifact caused explosions that destroyed Vince’s spacecraft so he had to use an emergency pod to escape from Europa and head back to Earth.
Vince lost the artifact, his research material and almost all his resources. He realized that he wouldn’t be able to recover the artifact by himself. That’s why his only option was to wait for other ALTVIs to appear and try to contact them.
Vince’s incident with the artifact on Europa was actually the cause that created the Coalescence. Some months after the Coalescence, Vince managed to make contact with Viper and promised to make him a full human again, if he would bring him the artifact. Vince also told Viper the location of the artifact.
Viper had already heard about the Moon Raiders organization so he figured that the quickest way to recover the artifact would be joining them. His plan worked and now all three of them were at Vince’s facility and the artifact was once again in Vince’s hands.
While Vince was telling his story, Vishaya had found a possible way to escape from Vince’s trap. However, even if he managed to escape, he would have to make a devastating choice: either kill his own son to stop the emergence of the OmegaVI or let him live and see the whole Multiverse to be enslaved.
Chapter 5 – Twisting Reality
Vishaya and Viper were both trapped at Vince’s abandoned facility. While Vince was preparing the final experiment for the artifact, Vishaya managed to cast his fire spell and free himself and Viper.
Once Vince saw that Vishaya and Viper had escaped from the trap, he quickly started the experiment in order to take full control of the artifact and use its power to become the OmegaVI.
Even though Vishaya had just found his lost son, he was forced to stop Vince at any costs. Vishaya focused all his powers and shot a massive fire blast towards Vince.
Vince was able to evade the blast and for a short moment he thought that he was victorious – until he realized that the fire blast wasn’t meant for him. Instead, Vishaya guided the blast towards the artifact. The artifact exploded into dozens of pieces and the shockwave caused by the explosion made Vishaya and Vince lose their consciousness.
When Vishaya and Vince woke up, they realized that they were back at their old laboratory where the incident happened 20 years ago. In fact, everything was exactly the same as over 20 years ago as nothing had ever happened.
However, they both had lost their super powers and special abilities. It seemed that the destruction of the artifact sent them back to where it all started and drained all their powers.
Even though Vince hated his father, he didn’t have enough strength to fight his father anymore. In fact, they both barely survived the explosion and regaining their strength could take months or even years. For the time being they both had no choice but to accept this new situation and figure out what exactly had happened – either together or alone.
Back at Vince’s facility Viper woke up and saw a new ALTVI standing at the site of the explosion. This new ALTVI identified himself as Vitriani, a mysterious character that possessed the power of gods.
Vitriani is one of the oldest beings in the Multiverse and only a few people know of his existence. No one knows his true motives but this time he came to Earth to preserve the balance of the Multiverse.

Vitriani explained to Viper that the artifact was an anomaly and it threatened the existence of the Multiverse. Vitriani revealed that the artifact only existed because of the events made possible by Vishaya and Vince in the past, referring to the lab incident that happened 20 years ago. However, these events would not have been possible without the artifact. This created a time anomaly that needed to be stopped.
Vitriani came to Earth to ensure that the artifact will be destroyed. Now that Vishaya and Vince had been sent back to the beginning and the artifact was destroyed, Vitriani’s job was completed.
Vitriani left the Earth to find answers about what had caused this anomaly. Viper on the other hand decided to go back to Europa and take control of the Moon Raiders organization that Vishaya had left behind.
The Moon Raiders accepted Viper as their leader. One of the Moon Raiders asked Viper where they should go next. Viper took off his mechanical mask and revealed his damaged and rotten face to the Moon Raider. Viper told him that he wants to know more about Vitriani and the anomalies so he could gather more knowledge about the Multiverse and find new ways to make him a full human again.
The Moon Raider saw Viper’s decayed face with a scar shaped birthmark on it and he agreed to help him. Viper put back his mask and together with the Moon Raiders they left Europa to seek out answers about Vitriani and the anomalies.
The end of the Multiverse saga
Anomalies Saga
Chapter 1 – Surface Tension
Vishaya and Vince were sent 20 years back in time to Vishaya’s old laboratory, after the artifact had exploded in the battle between Vishaya and Viper against Vince. Even though Vishaya and Vince had just found each other after years, the hatred between them grew day by day. Especially Vince felt an ever growing anger towards his father for ruining his life and his life work.
However, they had no strength to fight anymore. The explosion had drained their energy and powers and it would take months or even years to regain them.
Months passed and surprisingly, they found a way to co-exist. Though this was mostly because they knew that they might need each other in the future to find out what happened exactly when the artifact was destroyed.
Vince continued his research in his own new lab to learn more about the artifact. This was possible because Vince managed to save a tiny fragment of the artifact when it was shattered.
Eventually Vince learned that this universe wasn’t the same one as where the artifact incident happened. Instead, it seemed that the incidents with the artifact created new universes and timelines that only looked similar. He made a conclusion that a controlled experiment would be required in order to be able to travel to specific universes, without creating a new duplicate universe.
Years of making more and more dangerous experiments with the artifact fragment caused Vince’s face to decay because of the toxins and hazardous chemicals he used. The experiments also made the artifact fragment unstable, creating a negative psychological effect on people who were spending too much time near it. This started to affect Vince’s personality, causing him to lose his emotions and the ability to speak. It didn’t stop Vince though. He was still destined to become the OmegaVI.
Nearly 20 years later Vince made a major breakthrough. One of his experiments with the artifact fragment created a portal that enabled to travel to other universes. In fact, portals to the other Universes started to appear across the Multiverse.
Vince decided to test the portal and walked through it. The portal sent him to the same universe where the destruction of the artifact and the battle between him and Vishaya took place 20 years ago.
At first Vince was confused but he quickly realized what had just happened. It actually might have been him who was responsible for causing the coalescence and that’s not all. Vince also realized that he had become Viper. The Viper Vince met 20 years ago in the battle of the artifact was actually himself but only 20 years older.
Chapter 2 – Recycles
After traveling through the portal, Vince realized that everything that had already happened, was happening again. He had restarted the cycle, thus enabling him to become Viper.
Vince started to call himself Viper and he began to look for Vishaya and the Moon Raiders. Viper’s plan was to act exactly the same as the Viper he met 20 years ago, when he himself was still Vince. He didn’t want to change anything because this could change the future for him and potentially erase him from existence.
Viper’s plan worked and eventually he ended up in the same situation as the Viper 20 years ago. Together with Vishaya, they destroyed the artifact and Vince was sent to the past to become the Viper he was now.
Now Viper could finally seek out the mysterious Vitriani and learn more about the anomalies. Last time when he met him, Vitraini briefly explained to him how the artifact causes time paradoxes that will eventually collapse the entire Multiverse if it’s not stopped.
Viper took control of the Moon Raiders organization and together they searched for Vitriani. After some years, they found him on a mysterious planet that was controlled by a powerful being known as the Oracle.
Viper and the Moon Raiders landed on the planet where Vitriani was said to be seen. The planet was relatively small but technologically advanced. Finding Vitriani shouldn’t be a problem.
Viper was able to find Vitriani, but he didn’t want to engage him. Instead, he decided to watch him from a distance to see what he is up to. Exposing himself now could cause trouble.
By monitoring Vitriani, Viper learned that Vitriani was seeking the Oracle, who was the empress of the planet. It is said that the Oracle possesses a special ability known as True Sight, that allows her to see into the past and future. This could explain why Vitriani was seeking for her. He probably wanted to use her power to see where the Anomalies originated.
Viper followed Vitriani to a great fortress that was Oracle’s base of operations. The fortress was heavily guarded. Vitriani didn’t want to cause an alert so he used his shape shifting ability that allowed him to transform into a guard and walked right past the other guards into the fortress. Viper couldn’t follow him anymore and was forced to stay outside. He needed to find another way in.
Inside the fortress, Vitriani found the Oracle. However, the Oracle wasn’t surprised at all seeing Vitriani. In fact, thanks to her ability to see into the future, she knew Vitriani was coming and let him into her fortress.
The Oracle is able to see into the future, if she is aware of the person she wants to monitor. However, the farther away to the past or to the future she looks, the more hazy the visions become. It also takes much more time and concentration the farther she looks. Oracle’s minions told her about Vitriani the moment he landed on the planet, so she had been monitoring him for a while now.
Vitriani explained to the Oracle that he needed True Sight in order to find out the source of the anomalies. He told her that the anomalies created by that artifact had already been causing multiple time paradoxes and inconsistencies to the continuity of time. It would eventually threaten the existence of the Multiverse and the collapsing may have already begun.
The Oracle refused to help Vitriani, which caused him to lose his temper. The Oracle suspected that Vitriani would only use her powers for selfish purposes. After all, Vitriani sneaked into her own fortress.
After giving the Oracle his final warning, Vitriani decided to attack her and force her to use True Sight for his purposes. Vitriani was much more powerful than the Oracle, so he was certain that the battle would be over quickly.
To Vitriani’s surprise, the Oracle deflected all of his attacks. This was possible because of her True Sight ability. Even though Vitriani was insanely powerful, he couldn’t land a single hit because the Oracle was able to predict all of his moves. Vitriani realized that he might lose, if he won’t be able to find a new strategy quickly.
To be continued…
Chapter 3 – True Sight
Vitriani continued the fight with the Oracle. When the battle started, the Oracle called back her guards to help her if needed. This opened up a chance for Viper to sneak into the fortress, now that the guards were gone from the main gate.
When Viper entered the fortress, he saw that Vitriani was already struggling and might lose the fight. Viper quickly decided to join the battle to help Vitriani. The Oracle used her True Sight ability to Viper but to her surprise, she wasn’t able to see Viper’s future. This was because True Sight needed emotions in order to work. Since Viper had lost his emotions, the Oracle couldn’t use her ability to him and she wasn’t able to predict Viper’s movements.
Viper managed to land his strikes on Oracle. Viper was carrying a small artifact fragment from the battle with Vishaya and it gave Viper additional power. With the help of Vitriani, their victory was more and more certain. The Oracle realized that she would lose so she suddenly decided to stop the fight. Vitriani and Viper were confused why The Oracle stopped. The Oracle told Vitriani and Viper that she changed her mind and would help them out.
However, In truth, the Oracle wanted to test Vitriani and during the fight she was able to look deeper into Vitriani’s past. It made her convinced that Vitriani would indeed use her ability only to preserve the balance of the Multiverse. This made her trust Vitriani enough to stop the fight. The Oracle also revealed to Vitriani and Viper that her real name was Violet. Just like them, she was also an ALTVI.
Everyone agreed that there was no time to waste. Violet and Vitriani started to quickly prepare themselves for the search of the anomalies. Violet used her True Sight and tried to find the source of the anomalies. Vitriani used his powers to amplify the effect of True Sight. With the help of Vitriani, Violet was able to expand the radius of True Sight and look further and more clearly to the past.
Violet was able to find a clue about the origin of the anomalies. She told Vitriani that in another universe, there was a man that was connected to the anomalies but she couldn’t tell how. She was also able to find out that they needed to find a way to travel to the past in order to meet this person.
Vitriani asked Violet what was the name of this man. She told Vitriani that the man was called Vishaya. Vitriani was shocked to find out that Vishaya might have been behind all of this.
Violet asked if they knew who Vishaya was. Vitriani responded that they have a history with this man and he can be unpredictable and dangerous.
Now they would have to find a way to travel back in time and find Vishaya to see exactly what he did in the past. Violet’s visions suggested that Vishaya did something about the same time when Vince was born. That was the timeline in the past where they needed to travel.
Vitriani and Violet decided that they would travel back in time to stop Vishaya. Vitriani asked Viper if he could stay in this universe and stop any new anomalies that might emerge. Viper agreed while Violet and Vitriani started to figure out a way to travel back in time.
Chapter 4 – Paradox
Vitriani and Violet would now have to find a way to travel back in time to meet Vishaya and find out what he did that started the anomalies. Fortunately, Vitriani had an answer to that. He was carrying a small artifact fragment from the artifact explosion that could be used to travel back in time to the exact timeline and universe.
After some preparations, Vitriani used the artifact fragment. With the guidance of Violet’s True Sight, he was able to create a portal to the past. The artifact fragment was destroyed in the process. Together they entered the portal to find Vishaya.
While they were traveling through the portal, Violet was wondering why Vitriani’s artifact fragment looked so similar compared to the fragment that Viper was carrying when they were fighting. Vitriani revealed to Violet that they looked similar because it was in fact the same artifact fragment.
Vitriani also told Violet that he had been carrying the artifact fragment for thousands of years because he knew someday he would need it. He acquired it when he was fighting against Vince with Vishaya and the artifact exploded.
Violet now realized what Vitriani was trying to tell him. Vitriani and Viper were both carrying the same artifact fragment because Vitriani gathered the artifact fragment as Viper thousands of years ago. This could only mean that Vince, Viper and Vitriani were the same person, just from different timelines.
Vitriani had been exploring the universe for thousands of years looking for the origin of the anomalies. During those years he regained his emotions that he had lost when he was Viper. He also mastered how to harness the power of the artifact. This meant that he eventually managed to become the OmegaVI after all. This enabled him to learn and use new abilities, such as shape shifting.
Even with the power of the OmegaVI, he was still unable to find the source of the anomalies. However, only recently he realized that he had been looking in the wrong place. He realized that thousands of years ago he met a mysterious character that might be the key to all of this. Vitriani referred to himself because back then he was still Viper and didn’t realize that Vitriani was himself but just an older version of him.
That’s why Vitriani asked Viper to stay in his universe so that he would eventually become Vitriani. Vitriani ensured that Viper didn’t learn anything about Vishaya being involved with all of this. He only told Viper that he would explore the anomalies with Violet by using the True Sight.
After a moment they arrived to the past. Vitriani recognized the place where they arrived. It was his childhood village where he lived with Vishaya when he was still a kid.
Vitriani and Violet walked into Vitriani’s childhood home and hoped that they would find Vishaya from there. They went to the door of the house and quietly sneaked in. However, Vishaya saw them but he didn’t attack. He wasn’t expecting them but he wasn’t surprised to see them either.
Vitriani asked Vishaya if he knew who he was. Vishaya guessed that Vitriani must be his son. Vitriani was surprised to hear that he knew it was him. Violet was about to use her True Sight to Vishaya, in order to find out what he knew, but instead Vishaya decided to tell them himself his tale. Vishaya had a feeling why Vitriani and Violet sought him out.
Vishaya started by saying that he did something in the past that he is already regretting. He told them that he has always been interested in science, which is why he has been doing all kinds of experiments since he was a kid. These constant and dangerous experiments caused his DNA to mutate, making him unable to have children.
For a long time this didn’t bother Vishaya. However, when he grew older, he realized that he wanted to have a heir that could preserve Vishaya’s legacy and continue his work. That’s when he started to look for a solution to how he could have a son. Vishaya did everything he could to find a way but nothing worked. He almost gave up until Vishaya came across a mysterious character called The Void.
The Void is a mythical being and one of the prime forces of the Multiverse. The Void lives in the Void Realm and it represents nothingness and emptiness, which is why The Void doesn’t have a physical form and can’t escape the Void Realm. However, The Void is able to indirectly influence other universes through other people and creatures.
The Void had possessed an ALTVI called Virus and it was using him to communicate with Vishaya’s universe. By using Virus, The Void had been looking for a way to escape the Void Realm. Vishaya happened to be a perfect candidate for that because of his skills, knowledge and will power.
The Void discovered Vishaya’s pain not able to have a son and decided to make him an offer. The Void promised to Vishaya that it would grant him a son if he agreed that the son would be half Void’s. Vishaya decided to take the offer and The Void used his mythical powers and Vishaya’s son, Vince, was formed. Although Vishaya was happy to finally have a son, he soon realized that now that The Void had a son in this universe, it could use him in the future to have even greater influence on this Universe.
Vitriani now realized that the anomalies across the Multiverse was a sign of the growing influence of The Void. The Void would have to be stopped before it escapes the Void Realm and consumes the whole Multiverse. They would have to find this Virus ALTVI and banish The Void back to the Void Realm from him, in order to cut off his influence on this universe. Thankfully Vishaya knew where to find him and he promised to show them the way to him. Vishaya, Vitriani and Violet prepared themselves and headed to encounter Virus.
Chapter 5 – Epilogue
Vishaya led Vitriani and Violet to an old shrine that was hidden underground. The shrine was originally built by ancient people who lived in this area thousands of years ago but was eventually forgotten. This was where Vishaya met Virus for the first time and he was sure that Virus would still be hiding there. The shrine enabled Virus to have a deeper connection with The Void.
Vishaya was right. Once they entered the shrine, Virus was there but Vishaya didn’t know that Virus was expecting them. Virus was consumed by The Void, which is why no one knew his true powers and abilities. All that Vishaya knew was that Virus was a very powerful and cunning character, partially because of the influence of The Void.
Once they entered the shrine, Virus welcomed them. Virus told them that he was expecting them and The Void had predicted that Vishaya, Violet and Vitriani would eventually find their way here. This was the moment that would define the future of the Multiverse.
Vishaya tried to talk to Virus and explain to him that The Void needs to be banished from the Multiverse or everything would be lost. Virus told him that he let The Void possess him willingly. Virus wanted to have more power and The Void was able to do that. However, Virus was sure that he could still control himself and resist The Void’s will. Partially this was true, since he was still able to control himself. However, the anomalies and the growing influence of The Void made this harder everyday. Still, Virus still refused to banish The Void because of the powers it provided to him.
Violet realized that Virus would not give up peacefully and she decided to attack Virus. Vishaya and Vitriani had no choice but to join Violet’s attack. Together all three of them charged towards Virus.
Virus avoided their attacks by using his vanishing ability, which enables him to teleport short distances. Then he started to attack them with black fireballs. Vishaya, Violet and Vitriani avoided most of the fireballs but they did take some damage.
Violet decided to use her True Sight ability to predict Virus’s movements and guided Vishaya and Vitriani where to move and attack. They both attacked Virus with everything they got but surprisingly, Virus was able to avoid them. The growing influence of The Void made Virus stronger by every second so even Violet’s True Sight wasn’t enough to predict his movements.
Virus slashed Violet with his shadow blade, causing critical damage to her. Vishaya rushed to help defenseless Violet, but Virus blasted him with a massive black fireball that almost made Vishaya unconscious. Vishaya and Violet were both seriously injured and unable to protect themselves.
While Violet and Vishaya were fighting with Virus, Vitriani was watching them from a distance and realized that his presence made Virus and The Void’s influence stronger. This was because Vitriani was partially the reason why the anomalies existed.
Even though Vitriani was extremely powerful, he wasn’t sure if he could defeat Virus. Then deep inside he then realized what he must do. Vitriani gathered all of his strength and concentrated it within him. Vitriani started to shine bright like a star in a pitch black sky. Then he charged towards Virus and released all of his energy at him.
The energy blast was so massive that even the roof of the cave got destroyed, exposing the shrine to the surface world. Once the smoke faded away, Vishaya and Violet saw the crippled body of Virus. Virus was still alive but the connection The Void was destroyed. Then the spirit of The Void, a massive cloud of black smoke, ripped away from Virus and evaporated. The Void had been finally banished back to the Void Realm.
Vishaya and Violet were victorious but at a great cost. They quickly noticed that Vitriani was nowhere to be seen. Vishaya realized that Vitriani sacrificed himself by using all of his life force in order to defeat The Void. Vitriani’s plan worked but he was destroyed in the process as well. Vishaya and Violet were both devastated by this, even though they realized that as long as Vitriani was alive, The Void could never be fully defeated and the anomalies could not be stopped.
Now that Vitriani was gone, so were the anomalies, The Void and even Viper that were left to the other universe, because his existence depended on Vitriani. However, Vince, who was still a kid in their current universe, was alive.
Violet and Vishaya decided to spare Viruses’ life, in the hopes that he would become a better person. Viruses’ will was broken and he was barely alive. He slowly gathered himself and vanished into the darkness of the caves of the shrine.
After the battle, Violet decided to stay in this universe. In fact, she had no choice. Violet’s home universe was erased and they didn’t have a way to travel between universes anymore. However, this didn’t bother Violet. She was happy to stay in this universe with Vishaya and Vince and start a new life.
Violet, together with Vishaya, sworn to do anything in order to stop the return of The Void. After all, baby Vince in this universe was still Void’s half son, so they needed to keep an eye on him and guide Vince, so he would stay on a safe path. They also promised to teach him every piece of wisdom they knew so he would be able to defend himself against the evil that he may face in his life.
Maybe one day, they also shall reveal Vince the truth about his origins and the everlasting fear of The Void, who can never be fully destroyed.
The end…